Republicans are a problem for the US deficit too

Republican legislators and presidents usually campaign for lowering taxes to help stimulate the economy. This allows more money to circulate in the economy and allow citizens to keep more of their money. Democratic legislators and presidents generally campaign for raising taxes to provide for their large government spending. While Republicans tend to point the finger at Democrats for causing the US debt, Republicans have been complacent when they have had the opportunity to set spending and taxes right. While Republicans lower taxes, lowering the amount of revenue that the federal government receives, they continue or raise spending higher. The United States government is not a business; however, Republican policymakers lower their revenue while increasing their spending. A business, and even a government cannot financially survive if it operates at a deficit consistently. Below, is a table demonstrating the presidents and their contributions to the federal deficit since 1980.

President% Increase$ Increase
Ronald Reagan186%$1.86 Trillion
George H.W. Bush54%$1.55 Trillion
Bill Clinton32%$1.396 Trillion
George W. Bush101%$5.849 Trillion
Barack Obama74%$8.59 Trillion
Donald Trump33%$6.7 Trillion

There could be legitimate reasons for a president to increase spending, and these are not considered by the dollar and percent increases to the deficit by a president. For example, George W. Bush dealt with the dot come bubble, the US response to 9/11, and the great recession. Republican presidents try to lower taxes but end up sustaining or increasing spending often through defense spending. Both Republicans and Democrat politicians hardly mention the unpopular steps necessary to lower the federal debt, that whether taxes are raised or not the federal government must cut spending. While there are hundreds of options of what to cut, it is important for Americans and politicians to cut unnecessary spending altogether. US departments with a “use it or lose it” policy with more money than necessary have little incentive to save money. American Allies are not participating as heavily as America is in protecting global/humanitarian security. The largest part of the US spending, and something that would have to be cut, is defense. Every Republican president since Reagan has worked to lower taxes while increasing our spending on defense. There are times when the US should respond with its military, and there are times when it is necessary for a government to go into debt but promising to solve the debt and only making it worse is a problem that conservatives should not overlook in the future. The US debt will only continue to get larger because of interest and the constant political legacy of adding to the debt.

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