Conservative Student Group holds debate on Minimum Wage

Photo credit to Emilia Smith

The Young Conservatives of Texas at TTU hosted a debate on campus

This past Monday evening, February 8th, at 7 o’clock Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) chapter at Texas Tech University held a debate night discussing the topic of the minimum wage. The two were two senior YCT members: former treasurer Paul Dehlinger, and current tabling organizer Jason Perkins. 

Dehlinger argued for removing the federal national minimum wage; while Perkins argued for keeping the government involved, and urging for more unity between the federal and state governments. 

Dehlinger argued how ineffectual the minimum wage is and it’s damages to the American people. Perkins spoke along similar lines. He argued the minimum wage’s ineffectualness due to some states lacking the support system to uphold the federal minimum wage, the common occurrence of wage theft, and how removing the federal government would only exacerbate the situation.

Both sides made clear and strong arguments. Dehlinger’s side brought up the popular argument that minimum wage is not meant to keep a family afloat, but instead is meant primarily for teenagers and those in their early twenties. 

Highlighting those 25 years of age and younger making up half of the people paid the federal minimum wage or less. Jason argued strongly that the federal and state governments should work closer together due to wage theft, and the somewhere between $15-50 billion stolen from employees across the nation; including legal and illegal, and whether they are contractual or verbal workers. 

In the end, Paul won more votes, with a tally of 12 to 8. However, the debate concluded at 8 pm with the general consensus being that Jason Perkins won the debate by winning over more people at the end of the night than Paul Dehlinger.

(Paul Dehlinger is the Editor-In-Chief of the Hitching Post publication. Due to the conflict of interest, Paul was not responsible for editing this piece.)

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